This is an interactive dot plot designed to help build understanding of various measures/statistics.

You can click/touch a dot to drag it on and off the dot plot (by moving it to above or below the plot), or move the dot around the dot plot to a different position, and see how the different measures/statistics change :-)

Note: This interactive is not (yet) designed to be used with small screens e.g mobile devices.

Create a random distribution Add label Reset Balance test
Box plot Mean Standard deviation Absolute deviations
Creative Commons Licence
This work by Anna-Marie Fergusson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you are a teacher or researcher, and you have questions or suggestions for improvements, please email Anna. Please fully attribute any use of this tool and associated materials. If you develop teaching materials or activities using this tool, Anna would be super happy to hear about it :-)